

Home Calendar Past walks Links Contact


Details of the walks below will be sent out to the members' mailing list one to two weeks before the event. If you would like to join our mailing list, please send us an email

Membership of the group is free.

If anyone would like to lead a walk, please let us know the date you have in mind.

Walks and Events

January 2024

Monday 1st January - New Year's Day walk led by Bethan followed by lunchtime social

Saturday 27th January - walk led by Jo and Helen

February 2024

Saturday 3rd February - walk led by Sarah and Mandy - Selling - 6 miles approx

Sunday 18th February - WwinK 20th Anniversary - celebration walk in Wye led by Bethan - this is where the first WwinK walk took place in February 2004

March 2024

Saturday 9th March - walk led by Jacquie

Sunday 24th March - walk led by Sarah - Cranbrook

April 2024

Saturday 6th April - walk led by Jo and Helen - Tudeley

Saturday 27th April - walk led by Sarah - Linton - 7.5 miles

May 2024

Saturday 4th May - walk led by Jules and Wendy - Harrietsham - 7 miles

Saturday 25th May - Weekend walk - Eastry - Wendy and Jules - 6 or 8 miles

Sunday 26th May - Weekend walk - Sandwich - 6.5 miles

Monday 27th May - Weekend walk at Kingsdown near Deal - 7 miles

June 2024

Sunday 9th June - WwinK Picnic

Thursday 20th June - afternoon walk led by Jacquie - Rye Harbour

Saturday 29th June - walk led by Jules and Wendy

July 2024

Saturday 6th July - walk led by Jacquie

Saturday 27th July - walk led by Sarah - Penshurst

August 2024

Saturday 10th August - walk led by Lisa and Sarah

Saturday 31st August - walk led by Jill L

September 2024

Sunday 8th September - walk led by Jacquie

Saturday 28th September - walk led by Jo and Helen

October 2024

Sunday 6th October - walk led by Sally and Anna

Saturday 19th October - social event with food, drink and dancing at Wye Village Hall

November 2024

December 2024

Saturday 7th December - mince pie walk led by Jacquie

January 2025

Wednesday 1st January - New Year's Day walk